Parkinson Canada


Andrews In-Home Physiotherapy




Andrews In-Home Physiotherapy offers comprehensive assessment, treatment and recommendations to people living with PD at all stages of the disease. Written information and materials provided. Assistance with healthcare system navigation also provided. Visits take place in the community – your home, retirement home or other living environment. Virtual consultations also an option for individuals living outside of the Guelph area. No referral required to access service.

Area of Expertise

Over 25 years experience as a Registered Physiotherapist. Practice has focused on individuals living with complex, chronic health conditions and specifically PD since 2013. Recipient of the Parkinson Canada Community Partner Award in 2019. PWR! Moves certified therapist.

How to Register

Phone or Email






Guelph, Ontario N1G5E4

Phone Number

(226) 971-0538

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This directory is for educational purposes, it is not intended to replace the advice or instructions of a professional healthcare practitioner, or to substitute for medical care. Contact a qualified healthcare practitioner if you have any questions concerning your care.

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