Parkinson Canada


Right at Home - In-Home Care Assistance


In-Home Care


Right at Home is one of the most trusted providers of supportive services, globally, with a collective brand experience of 30+ years. In Canada, we have been supporting our communities for over 11 years and have grown to 55 Care Offices in ON, BC, AB, MB, NS, NB and PEI. We support aging clients, those who are injured and persons with disabilities, in home or wherever home is to them. We offer a full continuum of care, ranging from wellness visits, companionship, homemaking, personal care, nursing and end of life care. Our Care Team received training and education in the provision of Parkinson’s Disease care.

Area of Expertise

Our team received training through PEP (Parkinson’s Education Program) Online. PEP Online is an introductory eight-module educational series offered by Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario. This program is aimed at caregivers (e.g., nurses, personal support workers, allied health professionals) who provide care to individuals living with moderate to severe Parkinson’s. The program is ideal for healthcare professionals working in community settings (e.g., home health care, retirement homes, long-term care homes and hospitals) caring for those living with Parkinson’s.

How to Register

Contact through the website to connect with a care planner:






Peterborough, ON

Phone Number

(705) 908-3557

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Supply Feedback

This directory is for educational purposes, it is not intended to replace the advice or instructions of a professional healthcare practitioner, or to substitute for medical care. Contact a qualified healthcare practitioner if you have any questions concerning your care.

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